James Hendler

James Hendler
Born 2 April 1957 (1957-04-02) (age 54)
Queens, New York
Residence Albany, New York, USA
Other names Jim
Education Yale University, Southern Methodist University and Brown University
Occupation Computer scientist
Employer Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Known for Significant Contributions to the Semantic Web
Title Professor
Religion Jewish
Spouse Terry Horowit
Children Sharone Horowit-Hendler
Parents Marge and Sam Hendler
Holder of the Tetherless World Chair of Computer and Cognitive Science at RPI

James Hendler (born April 2, 1957) is an artificial intelligence researcher at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA, and one of the originators of the Semantic Web.[1]


Background and research

Dr Hendler held a longstanding position as professor at the University of Maryland where he was the Director of the Joint Institute for Knowledge Discovery and held joint appointments in the Department of Computer Science, the Institute for Advanced Computer Studies and the Institute for Systems Research. Hendler was the Director for Semantic Web and Agent Technology at the Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Laboratory, and a Fellow of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence, the British Computer Society, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and Fellow_of_the_AAAS.

On June 14, 2006, James A. Hendler was appointed senior constellation professor of the Tetherless World Research Constellation at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and he became a professor at that institute starting on January 1, 2007. Hendler has appointments in Computer and Cognitive Sciences, and is also the Assistant Dean for Information Technology and Web Science.

Hendler helps lead the Tetherless World Constellation on increasing access to information at any time and place without the need for a “tether” to a specific computer or device.[2] Researchers envision an increasingly web-accessible world in which personal digital assistants (PDAs), cameras, music-listening devices, cell phones, laptops, and other technologies converge to offer the user interactive information and communication. Hendler is also one of the directors of the Web Science Trust and a visiting professor for the Institute of Creative Technology at DeMontfort University.

He is also the Editor in Chief Emeritus of IEEE Intelligent Systems and is the first computer scientist to serve on the Board of Reviewing Editors for Science.

He is a former member of the US Air Force Science Advisory Board and a former Chief Scientist of the Information Systems Office at the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). During his tenure there, he was responsible for projects such as CoABS - Control of Agent Based System, which led to the creation of other Agent-based projects: Taskable Agent Software Kit (TASK) and DARPA's Agent Markup Language (DAML) - the latter of which was involved in funding the emerging Semantic Web area.[3]

Hendler also serves as an "Internet Web Expert" for the U.S. government, providing guidance to the Data.gov project [4].

Hendler was co-author, with Tim Berners-Lee and Ora Lassila, of the article "The Semantic Web" which appeared in Scientific American in 2001.[5]

Books and awards



Boards and advisory boards


External links